Vacancy Ref.: | - |
Closing date: | 6/29/2014 |
Department: | ADMIN. & HR DEVELOPMENT |
Post Level | P3 |
Job Category | Social Sciences |
Immdiate Supervisor | Nairobi, Kenya |
Duty Station | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
African Union, established as a unique Pan Africancontinental body, is
charged with spearheading Africa’s rapid integration andsustainable
development by promoting unity, solidarity, cohesion andcooperation
among the people of Africa and African States as well as developinga new
partnership worldwide. Its Headquarters is located in Addis
Ababa,capital city of Ethiopia.
seeking to achieve this objective, the African Unionintends to
strengthen its capacity to deliver through, among others,
theimplementation of a new organizational structure and the filling of
all vacantposts.
TheCommission of the African Union invites applicants who are citizens of Member States for a position at the InterafricanBureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR), Nairobi - Kenya.
1. Post
Post level: P3
DutyStation: AU-IBAR Nairobi, Kenya
Supervisor: Director,AU-IBAR
2. Major duties andresponsibilities:
the direct supervision of the Director, AU-IBAR,the Senior Policy
Officer Economics, Trade and Marketing will contribute and
providetechnical advice for AU- IBAR’s annual/periodic
reports/publications; and, as amember or leader of multidisciplinary
teams, contribute to the formulation,implementation, monitoring and
evaluation of livestock development projects andprogrammes. In
particular he/she will:
a. Provide
support to AU-IBAR technical unitsfor integration of socio-economic
analyses into animal health and, animalproduction support interventions.
b. Technically support AU-IBAR on mattersrelated to the trade and marketing of animals and animal products
c. Undertake
socio-economic analyses offactors/issues and trends that impact on the
development and utilization ofanimal resources in Africa.
d. Provide
technical back-stopping and guidance torelevant personnel in the
Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and AUMember States in the
socio-economic analyses of regional trends in theproduction, processing,
consumption and trade of animals and animal products.
e. Collate,
analyse and synthesizesocio-economic data and information to support
the development of evidencebased policies to promote growth of the
animal resources sector andits contribution to economic development.
f. Provide support for the implementation of thepolicy and capacity development initiatives at AU-IBAR.
g. Represent AU-IBAR in regional and continentallivestock socio-economic networks and related fora
h. Contribute
to the preparation and executionof AU-IBAR’s annual, quarterly and
monthly work programmes and prepare progressreports on the
socio-economic components in accordance with reportingguidelines
provided by the African Union Commission and the Director AU-IBAR.
i. Organise and supervise the implementation ofsocio-economic activities in line with AU-IBAR’s annual work program;
j. Providesupport in other areas of AU-BAR’s work and undertake any other duties as maybe assigned by the Director of AU-IBAR.
3. Educational Qualifications:
A Master’s Degree in Agricultural Economics/socio-economics. A higherqualification will be and added advantage
4. Work experience:
must haveat least eight (8) years of professional experience in
livestock oragricultural socio-economics and/or livestock development,
including projectdesign, implementation and monitoring with, preferably,
three (3) years in aninternational organisation.
5. Other relevant skills
- Professionalism
-Proven experience the agricultural/animal resources sector, policy
formulationand advocacy related to animal production and sustainable
development. Showspride in work and in achievements, demonstrates
professional competence and bea master of subject matter, is
conscientious and efficient in meetingcommitments, observes deadlines
and achieve results, is motivated byprofessional rather than personal
concerns and is persistence in addressingproblems;
- Planning
andorganizing - Proven ability to plan and organize work within an
institutionalsetting and ability to make timely decisions;
- Communication
-Effective written and oral presentation skills, particularly ability
to presentinformation in a concise and accurate manner; ability to
develop consensusamong people with varying points of view.
- Teamwork: Works
collaborativelywith colleagues to achieve the goals, willing to learn
from others, placesagenda before personal agenda, support and acts in
accordance with groupdecision, even when such decisions may not reflect
own position, shares creditfor team accomplishments and accepts
responsibility for team shortcoming.
- Judgement/Decision-making-
Good judgement, initiative, resourcefulness, energy and tact with
ability toensure an effective work structure to maximise productivity
and achieve institutionalgoals
6. Other Relevant Skills:
- Good knowledge of theworkings of international organisations;
- Capacity to workunder pressure and in a multicultural environment;
- Excellent computerliteracy (Microsoft office applications);
- Good organisationalskills.
7. Language requirement:
in one ofthe African Union working languages. Knowledge of one or
several other workinglanguages would be an added advantage.
8. Tenure of Appointment: The
appointment will be made on a fixed term contract for a period ofthree
(3) years, of which the first twelve months will be considered as a
probationaryperiod. Thereafter, the contract will be for a period of two
years renewable,subject to satisfactory performance.
9. LeastRepresentative Countries:
the following least represented countries are encouraged to apply:
Eritrea,Central African Republic, Cape Verde, Comoros, Congo (DRC),
Djibouti,Equatorial Guinea, Liberia, Mauritania, Namibia, Sahrawi Arab
Republic, SaoTomeand Principe, Seychelles and Somalia
9. Gender Mainstreaming: The AU Commission is an equal opportunity employer and qualified womenare strongly encouraged to apply.
10. Remuneration: Indicative basic salary of US$35,300.00per
annum plus other related entitlements- e.g. Post adjustment (42% of
basicsalary), Housing allowance ($17,222.40 per annum), education
allowance (75% oftuition and other education related expenses for every
eligible dependent up toa maximum of US$7,800.00 per child per annum),
etc for internationallyrecruited staff of the Commission.
Applicationsmust be made through the AUC E-recruitment Website not later than 28th June 2014.
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